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L’esame Pearson PTE YL Pearson Test of English (PTE) Young Learners è un esame di lingua inglese, divertente e coinvolgente, per studenti di età compresa tra gli 8 e i 13 anni. L’esame prevede quattro livelli per valutare gli studenti, a partire da un pre-A1 fino al livello A2 del Quadro Comune Europeo (CEFR): Firstwords (Level 1 – preA1 CEFR) Springboard (Level 2 – A1 CEFR) Quickmarch (Level 3 – A1+ CEFR) Breakthrough (Level 4 – A2 CEFR) Le sessioni di esame si svolgeranno il 23 maggio e il 20 giugno, oltre alle sessioni previste per 10 ottobre, novembre e dicembre (date da confermare). Il test valuta l’abilità dei bambini a usare l’inglese in modo comunicativo, con una particolare enfasi sulla vita reale, ed è…

PTE General

PTE General focuses on assessing the ability of communicating in English, rather than test-taking skills. The tasks in the test are a natural continuation of what happens in the classroom, giving test takers the opportunity to perform at their best. The test consists of two parts: a written paper and a spoken test, and assesses four skills: listening, reading, speaking and writing. The written paper tests listening, reading comprehension and writing skills and is marked by external examiners in the UK. The spoken test assesses speaking skills and is also marked by external examiners in the UK. Assessment of communicative ability PTE General is a scenario-based English language test designed to allow students the freedom to express themselves, show what they can do and how…

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